Species Affected Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs are often affected domesticated species, but the disease is more severe in cattle and pigs. Clinical Signs Fever, loss of feed intake, drop in milk production, drooling of saliva like ropey string, vesicles develop on the tongue, lips, gums, and palate and eventually rupture. Concurrent to oral lesions, vesicles also appear in inter digital skin and coronary ba nd of the feet. The animal May open and close its mouth with a characteristic smacking sound. Sh eep and goats May show lameness. In pigs, lesions May be seen on snout and also on the feet. Preventive Measures Regular vaccination and seromonitoring. Disinfection with sodium ca rbonate (4%) or 10% washing soda and strict biosecurity measures to be followed and animal movement May be controlled.
Source: Dr. S.S.Patil, ICAR-NIVEDI, Bengaluru.