ICAR-NIVEDI maintains a Livestock Serum Repository and presently, it contains more than 50000 catalogued serum samples, collected since 2011. Since the institute has been mandated with animal disease monitoring and surveillance, the serum samples are currently screened for Brucellosis (in sheep, goat, cattle, buffalo and pigs, humans), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (cattle), Classical swine fever (pigs), peste des petits ruminants (goats/cattle), Neospora caninum (cattle) and bluetongue (sheep/goat). The serum bank has created an all India level village (some six lakh forty three thousand eight hundred three villages) directory, which is updated after every livestock census. Using this directory, a sampling frame (village level) for the entire nation has been developed. The said sampling frame is used for designing sampling plan for animal disease monitoring and surveillance activity of AICRP on ADMAS every year and also for national disease control programme such as FMDCP. The random samples received from AICRP centers are given NIVEDI accession number and are then aliquoted and distributed to various above mentioned laboratories for screening. Aliquots from above samples are kept in the -800C freezer for any future use.
Presently cataloguing is done using MS office access data base. A handful of forms viz., entry of receipt of samples, dispatch of samples to various labs, results, storage have been developed and are currently being used. Screen shots of access database developed at NIVEDI for cataloguing of sera are shown below.
Receipt entry form
This is used for entering information accompanied with sample.
Dispatch entry form
This is used to enter dispatch information to various labs.
Results form
This is used to enter screening results of various labs.
Results communication form
This is used to enter screening results of variuos labs.
Storage form
This is used to enter storage info of various serum samples.
For further details contact - Dr. Divakar Hemadri, Principal Scientist