Dr. V. BALAMURUGANM.V.Sc., Ph.D.,Principal Scientist Contact: Mail-id: B.Vinayagamurthy@icar.gov.in Mobile: 09481807438 |
Area of Specialization | :Veterinary Microbiology (Virology and Bacteriology) |
Projects handled |
:Institutional Completed : 9 Ongoing : 2 :Externally funded Completed : 6 Ongoing : 3 :Colloborative Completed : 3 :Network Ongoing : 1 |
Publications | :
Research/ Review paper in refereed journal : 77 Book chapters : 2 Lab Manuals : 2 Compendium : 6 |
Students Guided | :
MVSc/MSc : 7 PhD : 7 |
Special attainments/ Awards : | 1.Young Scientist Award for the Biennium- 2005-06 ICAR, GOI, India during 2007 2. ICAR Award for outstanding Team research for the Biennium- 2005-06 ICAR, GOI, India during 2008 3. DBT Long term (One year) Associateship for specialized training of young Scientist in Niche areas of Biotechnology- 2006-07 awarded during 2007 4. DBT Short term (Six months) Biotechnology Overseas Associateship 2006-07 awarded during 2007 5. Best poster presentation Award II Place in International conference in XXV Annual convention of IAVMI 2011 |